Please Note

New opening Times at the Medical Care Center

From 15.12.2015 there are new opening times in the medical Care Center

Monday and Tuesday:

  • 9:00 – 12:00
  • 14:00 – 17:00


  • 9:00 – 12:00
  • Medical Care for Children: 11:00 – 13:00

Thursday and Friday:

  • 9:00 – 12:00
  • 14:00 – 17:00

Please also check out Opening Times on our Website



باشند كان محترم                                                                                                                      

از تاريخ 15\12\2015 اوقات ملاقات داكتر قرار ديل ميباشد.                                                                        

ازساعت     الي   و   از ساعت       الي

دوشنبه  9:00 ـ 12:00     14:00 ـ 17.00

سه شنبه 9:00 ـ 12:00     14:00 ـ 17.00

جهارشنبه 9:00 ـ 12:00    

         داكتر اطفال از ساعت   11:00   الي       13.00

بنج شنبه   9:00 ـ 12:00     14:00 ـ 17.00

جمعه       9:00 ـ 12:00     14:00 ـ 17.00

دراوقات غيرملاقات داكترفقط كمكهاى عاجل و اوليه اجرا ميشود. و نسخه ها و معالجات دوامداراجرا نميشود.

در ملاقات داكتر بايد كارت هويت و دفترجه مريضى خود را با خود داشته باشيد.


اوقات افتتاح الطبيب(الاسعاف,المساعده الاوليه) الجديدة
من 15.12.2015 يوجد مواعيد افتتاح جديدة لقسم العنايه الطبيه.
الاثنين والثلاثاء :
من التاسعه صياحا الى الثانيه عشر.*
من الثانيه الى الخامسه.*
الاربعاء :
من التاسعه الى الثانيه عشر
الخميس والجمعه :
من التاسعه صياحا الى الثانيه عشر.*
من الثانيه الى الخامسه.*
الرجاء ايضا التحقق من مواعيد الافتتاح على صفحتنا بالانترنت.*

                                               از توجه تان تشكر



Mitteilung arab. Öffnungszeiten Sani اوقات افتتاح الطبيب

Mitteilung Farsi Neue Oeffnungszeiten Sani  باشند كان محترم

Welcome Concert in Hanau

Paul Gerhard Schule invites to Welcome Concert

Soul- Ghospel and Popmusic – „Songs about Courage and Hope“

Music by: Jan Masuhr Band with Pat Garcia and Rainer Wahl

Friday, 18.12.2015 – 17:00 o’clock


The schoolbuilding of Paul Gerhardt Schule in Hanau

Paul Gerhard Schule  Hanau
In den Argonnerwiesen 5,

Adress on Google Maps click here

Entrance is for free.
Enjoy music and have a great evening!

Your HEAE – Team

Culture and Society

Advent, Advent…

Candles in the windows, glittering decorations in the stores – Sunday the 29.11.15 marked the beginning of the season of Advent. The Advent always begins on a sunday about four weeks before Christmas, the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, one of the most central figures in Christian Churches.

Some of the most common traditions in celebrating the Advent are special Advent calendars with treats or pictures for the children and the Advent wreath. In Germany it is very common to have a advent wreath with 4 candles (mostly red), every advent sunday one candle more will be lighted so that on Advent 4th all 4 candles are burning, their brightness symbolizing Christmas and the birth of Jesus Christ.

In Germany the traditions of Advent are liked not only by christian people, because its lights and warm colors enlight the dark and grey wintertime. It is also an example for a tradition that is alive and well even in the most hectic days of modern life.

Memorial Ceremony of the refugees in Hanauer Anzeiger

Local Newspaper „Hanauer Anzeiger“ reports about memorial ceremony in Hanau

On 23.11.15 the local Newspaper „Hanauer Anzeiger reported on the memorial ceremony in Hanau, in which the refugees  of HEAE-Hanau played an important role in. With this ceremony the refugees showed their respect to the vicitms of  the terrorist attacks in Paris. The ceremony and the official speech of A. Alabsi impressed not only the major of Hanau, Klaus Kaminsky but also the prime minister of Hessen, Volker Bouffier, who visited the event.

In his speech the prime minister showed his sympathy for the refugees and stated, that freedom, equality and fraternity are more important than ever these days.

The major of Hanau was impressed by the words of the speaker of the refugees on this event, who in his speech pointed out, that it is not important where people come from, but all refugees come to Germany in order to live a peaceful life without fear. hanau offered them a warm welcome. No matter where he will live in future, a part of his heart will always stay in Hanau.

Local Newspaper memorial arab الصحيفة المحلية

Please Note: Census in HEAE – Hanau, Today 14:00

Today at 14:00 there will be a census here in HEAE – Hanau:

At 14:00 please be in your room to await the staff who carries out the census. The Kinderbereich (childcare room) will be closed this afternoon, as the children have to be with their parents during the census.

The census is necessary for better supply of people. Please support the staff during the census.


News from Hanau:

Major of Hanau, Klaus Kaminsky stands up for refugees

The aim of Major Klaus Kaminsky is, that refugees of HEAE-Hanau, who are entitled to asylum, can stay in Hanau. Major Kaminsky has written a letter to the Hessische Staatsminister Axel Wintermeyer in which he describes the repeated appeals of refugees be permitted to stay in Hanau. The Memorial Ceremony and the Solidarity Campaign on Freiheitsplatz Hanau were important signals for These appeals. Major Kaminsky says that the City of Hanau is in favour of a permission for the refugees to stay. Many refugees are in Hanau for more than 2 months, they know the City and the People and are integrated. In the opinion of Major Kaminsky it would be best for all, if they could stay in Hanau permanently.


Oberbürgermeister Klaus Kaminsky setzt sich für Flüchtlinge ein

Ziel des Oberbürgermeisters Klaus Kaminsky ist es, dass Flüchtlinge, die jetzt in HEAE – Hanau sind und Anspruch auf Asyl haben, auch zukünftig in Hanau bleiben können. Dafür hat Herr Kaminsky am vergangenen Montag einen Brief geschrieben und direkt an den Hessischen Staatsminister Axel Wintermeyer gesendet. In diesem Brief leitet er die Bitte der Flüchtlinge, in Hanau bleiben zu können, direkt an den Staatsminister weiter….(link)

Film Festival at 29.11.2015

When: Sunday, the 29.11.2015

Where: Paul-Hindemith-Saal Congress Park Hanau


Which Movies:

– Quadruplets – (13:00 o’clock) A movie made by 4 young filmmakers and
4 young componists from Germany. Sceneries from New York, Marocco, Sizilia, Hungary and a broad variety of music, Rythm and melody.

– Wunderuhr: The magic Forest – (16:30 o’clock) A movie in which Animation comes to life. This is a fantasy story in which animated puppets play their own roles in an enchanted world. Beautiful music by the International Ensemble Modern Akademie is part of this beautiful and original movie


How to take part:

You can visit one of the two movies. Please come to the Kinderbereich this Wednesday and Thursday and ask for a Ticket to one of the Movies. You’ll get further Information there. Please notice, there is only a limited number of Cards avaiable.

We wish you a great afternoon at Congress Park Hanau, enjoy.


Information for refugees

Important information for applying for asylum in Germany

This fact sheet contains helpful information for asylum seekers taking the first steps in the asylum procedure. This Flyer is avaiable in English, Farsi and Arabic.

Flyer English

Flyer Farsi

Flyer Arabic


Welcome Refugees – this is our idea.

We are happy to present to you the official webspace of “Erstaufnahmeeinrichtung-Hanau” or in short: EAE-Hanau.
This is your access to the latest news from EAE-Hanau and useful information for new arrivers in Germany. On workdays we will inform you on different topics in German and English.
Stay informed – visit our webpage. Hope to welcome you online every day.

Willkommen Flüchtlinge – das ist unsere Idee.

Mit Freude präsentieren wir Ihnen unsere offizielle Webseite von „Erstaufnahmeeinrichtung – Hanau“, kurz EAE – Hanau.
Dies ist Ihre Webseite für aktuelle Nachrichten von EAE – Hanau und nützliche Informationen für Menschen, die neu sind in Deutschland. Wir informieren Sie jeden Tag zu verschiedenen Themen in Deutsch und Englisch.
Bleiben Sie informiert – besuchen Sie unsere Webseite. Seien Sie jeden Tag willkommen auf unserer Webseite

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