Some things you should know about the HEAE…

    • Water in the water tabs is drinkable
    • There are garbage containers all over the area. Please put all your garbage in there. This way the flats and the area stay clean from dirt and pests, like rats for example
    • Please eat in the restaurant only, because the restaurant is cleaned every day. If you take food into the flat there will be remains. These remains attract rats and other pests.

Please note:
Farsi translation is in progress and will be added as soon as possible


معلومات مهمة

معلومات مهمة :

مياه الصنبور صالحة للشرب

تستطيعون التخلص من النفايات بوضعها في السلات المخصصة لها

الرجاء عدم أخذ الأطعمة الى الشقق … و نرجوا منكم تناول الطعام في المطعم لأن المطعم يتم تنظيفه بعد كل وجبة ولأنه اذا تم أخذ الطعام الى الشقق فسوف يكون هناك بقايا طعام وهذا يؤدي الى جذب الجرذان



Your Question:

How to buy a “ Mobile Card “?

– from the main Gate of HEAE: cross the street and go to the bus station there
– go by bus No. 6 to city of “ Hanau “ And get off at the ’’Freiheitsplatz “ station
– There are many mobiles shops in the near
– There are several types of “ mobile cards “ you can choose one
– tell the seller to activate the sim card and make sure it works
– To return to camp with bus No.6 or 53
Note :
If possible ask friends who speak English or German language to help you


Please note:
Farsi translation is in progress and will be added as soon as possible


معلومات مهمة
– طريقة شراء ’’ كارت موبايل ’’
– عليك عبور الشارع للطرف المقابل للكامب عند موقف الباص
– تستطيع التنقل بباص رقم 6 للوصول الى مدينة Hanau ’’ هاناو ’’
و النزول عند محطة Freiheitsplatz ’’ فغايهايت بلاتس ’’
– ستجد هناك العديد من محلات الموبايلات
– هناك عدة أنواع من ’’ كروت الموبايل ’’ تستطيع الاختيار منها ما يناسبك
– عليك ابلاغ البائع بتفعيل الخط و تأكد من ان الخط و الانترنت يعمل بصورة سليمة
– العودة الى الكامب بنفس الباص رقم 6 أو 53
ملاحظة :
يفضل الاستعانة بأحد الاصدقاء الذين يتكلمون اللغة الانكليزي أو الالماني





Your Question: 

Where can I buy clothes for little Money?


In Hanau you can find several shops with clothing for low prices, here are a few of them:

DRK Kleiderladen This shop is run by a charity organization and offers 2nd hand clothing for a really low price. This shop is really helpful if you need a basic stock of all day clothing.

Adress: Altstraße 2, Hanau



The KiK shop offers new clothing for a relatively low price. All day clothing, some fashy accessories and a few more useful things can be bought here.

Adress: Kurt-Baum-Platz 1, Hanau



Takko is one more shop with clothing for little money, accessories and so on. This shop is in the near and can be reached on foot.

Adress: Argonnerweg 246, Hanau